October is traditionally the driest month in the Mid-South. Record-setting rains this year made this month the wettest October recorded since records were initiated in 1880. The wet and cool weather has altered the habits of the ever-adaptable honey bees and challenged the Arkansas Delta beekeepers.
The effects of the wet weather this year were first noticed with virgin queen bees that couldn’t make mating flights during continuous days of rain in the spring. Cool and wet weather in the summer found colonies killing their drones in July and September, instead of waiting for late fall to remove the drones. Many colonies experienced periods throughout the summer when the queen stopped laying eggs. The interruptions were probably associated with weather-related periods of nectar and pollen dearth. Interruptions in the brood cycles tend to reduce the population growth of the parasitic Varroa mites. Mite load sampling of the colonies late in the summer showed lower than expected levels of Varroa mites, good news for honey bee health. Along with a general drop in the volume of surplus honey produced by the bees this year, there was a noticeable change in the way the bees handled the honey. Toward the end of the summer, the bees in many colonies simply seemed unable or unwilling to finish capping the cells of stored honey. I suspect that this resulted from a dearth of nectar, as some bees capped the cells with reused beeswax instead of using freshly secreted wax. The picture taken today shows our Wetland Reforestation Project; 10 thousand hardwood trees are planted in the flooded grass leading to the tree line along Fifteen Mile Bayou, a tributary of the St. Francis and Mississippi Rivers. While the often continuous and excessive rains have been rough on a number of agricultural endeavors in the Delta, they have been conducive to the establishment of these bottomland trees. Migratory ducks and geese will spend most of the winter in these flooded fields.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Drone Brood Comb
Honey bees build their nest from combs configured around six-sided cells of two sizes. The majority of the bee hive consists of sheets of comb with five cells per inch. This size cell is used by the honey bees to rear their brood and to store honey and pollen. The bees also build comb with cells that are slightly larger, measuring about four cells per inch. The larger cells are used for rearing drone brood; but if the colony does not need additional drones, worker bees will use the drone brood cells to store honey. Honey bees typically build their drone brood cells along the lower edge of worker brood frames and on burr comb, any comb that is not built in straight, parallel sheets. Honey bees readily draw-out drone brood cells on frames of drone brood foundation. These frames can be a useful part of an integrated pest management plan.
Desirable honey bee genes can be increased in the drone concentration areas by using drone brood frames. Freezing the drone brood frames is a good method of removing bees with bad traits from the gene pool. Also, freezing the drones from queen mother hives lessens inbreeding. Using drone brood frames has other benefits. With drone brood foundation available, the bees build less burr comb, resulting in fewer places for small hive beetles to hide. The drone brood frames provide a useful place to sample Varroa mites. The mites can be easily measured by removing a number of drone pupae from their capped cells. Excessive mite loads can be reduced by freezing the frames of drone brood. Replacing the frozen drone frames in the hives is a method of testing the hygienic behavior of the bees. The more hygienic bees will quickly remove the pupae killed in the freezer. At Peace Bee Farm, 10 percent of all brood frames are the green-colored drone foundation frames. The pictured bee with the large eyes is a drone; he is surrounded by workers. A drone larva is in the upper-left cell.
Desirable honey bee genes can be increased in the drone concentration areas by using drone brood frames. Freezing the drone brood frames is a good method of removing bees with bad traits from the gene pool. Also, freezing the drones from queen mother hives lessens inbreeding. Using drone brood frames has other benefits. With drone brood foundation available, the bees build less burr comb, resulting in fewer places for small hive beetles to hide. The drone brood frames provide a useful place to sample Varroa mites. The mites can be easily measured by removing a number of drone pupae from their capped cells. Excessive mite loads can be reduced by freezing the frames of drone brood. Replacing the frozen drone frames in the hives is a method of testing the hygienic behavior of the bees. The more hygienic bees will quickly remove the pupae killed in the freezer. At Peace Bee Farm, 10 percent of all brood frames are the green-colored drone foundation frames. The pictured bee with the large eyes is a drone; he is surrounded by workers. A drone larva is in the upper-left cell.
honey bee,
Integrated Pest Management,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Honey Bee Health Studies
It has been three years since the start of the greatest recorded die-off of honey bees in the United States. With annual losses of managed honey bee hives at around 30 percent, there is still no clear, single known cause of this condition, known as CCD, or Colony Collapse Disorder. From a long list of possible causes of Colony Collapse Disorder, a shorter list of possible causes has emerged. The first candidate for a CCD cause to be eliminated was electromagnetic energy from cell phone towers. Strong candidates for possible causes still remain: colony stress resulting from nutritional problems, transportation of hives for pollination service, chemical residues from fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, and new or re-emerging bee diseases and pathogens. Researchers have found traces of many chemicals in the beeswax honey comb of hives that collapsed as well as in those that did not. Beeswax readily holds chemicals; and some of the chemicals were introduced into the hives by the beekeepers to control parasitic mites, while some of the chemicals were brought into the hive by the bees as they picked them up while foraging for pollen and nectar.
Peace Bee Farm is participating in long-term studies that are now being conducted to measure the effects of three areas of concern. First, honey bee diseases are being studied, particularly new viruses and fungal diseases. Second, parasitic mites, the great killers of honey bees, are being sampled. The mites are known to vector numerous viruses. Third, pesticides are being sampled from the beeswax honey comb and from bees. Click on the picture to see where I am cutting comb from the brood nest for the pesticide test. Any chemicals present in the beeswax comb here surround the developing honey bee brood. The queen bee, marked in red, is encircled by her retinue of attendant worker bees. For these studies, we are collecting samples of beeswax and bees.
Peace Bee Farm is participating in long-term studies that are now being conducted to measure the effects of three areas of concern. First, honey bee diseases are being studied, particularly new viruses and fungal diseases. Second, parasitic mites, the great killers of honey bees, are being sampled. The mites are known to vector numerous viruses. Third, pesticides are being sampled from the beeswax honey comb and from bees. Click on the picture to see where I am cutting comb from the brood nest for the pesticide test. Any chemicals present in the beeswax comb here surround the developing honey bee brood. The queen bee, marked in red, is encircled by her retinue of attendant worker bees. For these studies, we are collecting samples of beeswax and bees.
Colony Collapse Disorder,
honey bee,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Chemical-Free Beekeeping
There is considerable interest developing among beekeepers to move away from the use of chemicals in the hive to control honey bee pests. Historically, beekeepers managed honey bees without chemical treatments; but practices changed after the introduction of parasitic mites in the 1980s. As the mites devastated bee hive populations across the country, beekeepers turned to chemical pesticides to control the mites. With each product that was used, there was early success in controlling the mites followed by resistance to the chemical agent. Now many beekeepers are moving toward chemical-free beekeeping in an attempt to breed bees that are genetically adapted to living in the presence of the numerous honey bee pests. Those that are adapted will be the survivor bees left after the colonies with less suitable traits have died off. Without defined best practices, beekeepers are experimenting with a number of techniques to manage honey bees in a chemical-free manner. The first step is to make colony divisions in the spring from those colonies that survived the winter and then built up their populations the quickest. Just making numerous colony divisions, or splits, makes up for the losses that will occur as colonies that are not suited to living with pests die off.
Chemical-free beekeeping employs an array of integrated pest management techniques. These include a series of steps taken to weaken the pests and strengthen the bees’ chances of survival. Mechanical controls, like small hive beetle traps, are used because they remove the pests without building resistant populations of the pests. Cultural practices, like removing and freezing frames of drone brood containing developing mites, also reduce pests without building pest resistance to chemicals. Biological controls are important pieces of the integrated pest management approach to chemical-free beekeeping. In the photo, some of our guinea fowl frequent one of our bee yards. Unwanted insects, like small hive beetle larvae crawling to pupate in the soil, don’t stand a chance around keen-eyed poultry.
Chemical-free beekeeping employs an array of integrated pest management techniques. These include a series of steps taken to weaken the pests and strengthen the bees’ chances of survival. Mechanical controls, like small hive beetle traps, are used because they remove the pests without building resistant populations of the pests. Cultural practices, like removing and freezing frames of drone brood containing developing mites, also reduce pests without building pest resistance to chemicals. Biological controls are important pieces of the integrated pest management approach to chemical-free beekeeping. In the photo, some of our guinea fowl frequent one of our bee yards. Unwanted insects, like small hive beetle larvae crawling to pupate in the soil, don’t stand a chance around keen-eyed poultry.
Guinea Fowl,
honey bee,
Integrated Pest Management
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Honey Bees as Good Neighbors

The beekeeper's first consideration is placing bee hives so that the flying bees will not regularly encounter people. A fence or evergreen hedge near the entrance to the bee hive will force the bees to fly over the obstacle, and this keeps the bees flying above the heads of neighbors. A hive hidden from view of the street is less likely to be vandalized as well. Backyard beekeepers should watch the behavior of the bees and remove the drones and replace the queen of any highly defensive colony. In areas with Africanized Honey Bee genes, bees should be kept in more isolated bee yards. Providing a source of water for the bees helps keep them out of the neighbor's swimming pool. Bees love the flavored water of swimming pools. Most beekeepers share honey with their neighbors. Today, while working my bees that pollinate the beautiful Memphis Botanic Garden, I noticed a wedding was in progress nearby in the Japanese Garden. My beees, located in the Urban Orchard, are visited regularly by the public. A juniper hedge keeps the bees aloft.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Beekeepers Meet and Share

The topics discussed at the meetings included new trends in beekeeping that move away from the use of chemicals. Other presentations featured the marketing of honey and bee hive products and reports on research being conducted on honey bee health. Rita and I have served as officers of both the Memphis Area and Tennessee beekeeping organizations. I am concluding my service as president of the TBA. Today's photo shows a honey bee collecting nectar from the blue-colored flowers of vitex. Vitex is a large shrub or small tree which blooms throughout the end of summer and into the fall when few flowering plants can be found by the honey bees.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
October Festivals

There has been plenty of activity at Peace Bee Farm. Saturday found Tod and Wes selling honey and bee hive products at the Memphis Farmers Market. Christina and Rita were selling our products at the Crawfordsville, Arkansas Fall Festival. The festival brings quite a number of people to this town with a population of 606. Grandson, Ethan, was helping me extract Delta cotton honey in the honey house when we got a call from Rita saying they needed more honey and warm clothes on this chilly fall day. In the photo, Ethan carries a duffel bag full of sweat shirts to our family and our friends manning adjacent booths at Crawfordsville. The cool weather with plenty of rain is producing a good stand of purple top turnips here at Peace Farm. We will enjoy the greens and turnips throughout the fall and winter, and then we will let the plants bloom and produce seed in the spring while feeding our bees. Turnips are in the important bee plant family, the mustards. I think these cool days call for some cotton honey over some hot, buttered sourdough pancakes. I still have some McCarter’s coffee with chicory to go with this tasty meal. The ground chicory root comes from another important bee plant family, the composites. Thank you, honey bees.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Farm Safety Day

Rita and I spoke to the 200 children in attendance about safety around honey bee hives. We explained that honey bees are relatively gentle insects that rarely sting except in defense of their nest, the bee hive. The sting of 500 honey bees is roughly equivalent to the venom available from a rattlesnake. A bee hive will typically have 2000 guard bees protecting the entrance to the hive. Each hive, therefore, has the equivalent of four rattlesnakes on duty. Colonies with Africanized Honey Bee genes engage even more bees to guard the brood nest. We tried to warn the students of the danger associated with vandalizing bee hives. Unfortunately, vandalism is fairly common in many places that honey bees are kept. After a few brief words about safety around bee hives, we were able to answer numerous questions about the life of honey bees. Upon returning to the farm, we found the Welsummer chickens relaxing around the barbecue grill.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bees Clean Up Equipment

In preparation for fall set-up of a hive for winter, it is important to remove the queen excluder from the hive. If a super of honey is left as winter food above a queen excluder, it is likely that the cluster of bees will move up through the excluder and leave the queen on the lower side because her body can’t pass through. Without the cluster of bees surrounding her, the queen would die in cold weather.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Endless Feast

In the photo, I am being interviewed at Peace Bee Farm by New York wellness instructor, Ebeth Johnson, for an upcoming segment of Endless Feast, which will be broadcast on PBS. The film crew is from Film Garden Entertainment of Van Nuys, California. Rita Underhill and Jill Forrester are on the left, both wearing red vests. I showed our guests around one of our bee yards. Today’s sunny skies and pleasant weather, a break from days of rain, brought the bees out of the hives and allowed us to move in for a close look. Next, we went into the honey house to see how we extract the honey. Jill and Ebeth got to taste some comb honey from our bee hives that are located at Jill’s Whitton, Arkansas farm. Jill was delighted that the honey tasted as great as the appearance of her flowers that supplied nectar that the bees used to produce this honey. Ebeth wanted some hot biscuits to go with her Delta honey. You can find her at http://www.consciouscravers.com/.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bottling Honey

When the honey bee completes its conversion of flower nectar into honey, it becomes a unique food that will virtually last forever. The honey is removed from the frames of comb in the honey supers by spinning the frames in the extractor. Honey pours out and is strained to remove flakes of beeswax from the comb as well as any foreign matter from the hive. The water content of the honey is measured to ensure that the bees have completed the evaporation of the honey. Next, the honey is placed in a bottling unit and allowed to settle. While debris settles to the bottom of most liquids, any foreign matter or bubbles in honey rise to the surface. In the photo, Rita pours a one pound jar of Arkansas Delta honey. At Peace Bee Farm all of our honey is the raw, unprocessed product of the hive. This honey is ready to be poured over a hot buttered biscuit.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Goldenrod in Bloom

Most fall honeys have a more robust flavor than summer honeys. Goldenrod honey is bright yellow in color. It has the fragrance of wildflowers and a pleasant taste. A strong nectar flow from goldenrod often determines the survival of honey bees over the winter. Oh, by the way, goldenrod is not responsible for hay fever in the fall. The offending plant is usually common ragweed, which blooms at the same time. The beautiful goldenrod plant is being cultivated as a garden flower. Goldenrod is a friend of honey bees and beekeepers.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Flower Constancy

At a given time, one hive may have nectar and pollen being brought in from numerous flowering plant species. In their foraging habits, individual honey bees do not collect both nectar and pollen. Certain bees from a colony will collect nectar and other bees from that colony will collect pollen, even if it is from the same plant. A bee that is collecting pollen will continue to collect pollen throughout the day. When beekeepers trap pollen that the bees are bringing into the hive, we can see that each colony has its own pattern of collecting pollen. On the same day, the bees in one hive may bring in green, brown, and black colored pollen while the bees in an adjacent hive will be bringing in yellow and orange colored pollen. Charles Darwin’s complete works are available online at: http://darwin-online.org.uk/
Charles Darwin,
Flower Constancy,
honey bee,
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