The honey bee is well adapted to live in diverse
environments. Honey bees are found from the hottest equatorial regions to
extremely cold temperate regions. In the temperate zone, bees are able to
regulate the atmosphere of their hive from the heat of summer to the cold of
winter. Honey bees have adapted behaviors to accommodate abundances of food as
well as dearth. When flowers are in bloom, bees make honey; when no flowers are
blooming, bees eat that honey. Bees regulate the temperature of the brood nest
at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer they often need to cool the hive; in
the winter the workers generate heat to keep the bees warm. To stay warm, the
bees form a round cluster, a three-dimensional ball of bees divided by sheets
of honeycomb. Tightly packed bees on the outside of the cluster insulate those
inside. Bees on the inside eat honey, a high-energy food, and generate heat in
their flight muscles. Honey bees don’t waste energy warming their entire hive,
only the brood and bees. It would be wasteful to warm unoccupied corners of the
Certain honey bee races, particularly those that evolved
in the colder regions of northern Europe and Asia, exhibit behaviors that
further conserve precious honey reserves needed to warm and feed bees over
lengthy and severe winters. Since adult bees can survive at lower temperatures
than brood, these cold-hearty bees force their queen to stop laying eggs in the
winter. Without brood in the hive, bees only warm the cluster to about 70
degrees. The longer that the hive
remains without brood, the less food is consumed. However, the queen may begin
laying eggs anytime after the winter solstice. Egg laying is stimulated by
workers bringing in pollen. On warm days, like today, workers seek pollen. Here
they are mistakenly collecting dust from cracked corn and grain sorghum that I
am feeding to ducks. Many people find honey bees in their bird feeders in
the winter.
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