Saturday, March 21, 2009

Memphis Area Beekeepers Gather

The Memphis Area Beekeepers Association conducted its forty-fourth annual Short Course in Beekeeping today. Such short courses are conducted by experienced beekeepers in the spring to introduce interested newcomers to the art and science of beekeeping. The MABA is a group of beekeepers from Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas that meets in Memphis, Tennessee regularly for beekeeping training. Rita and I have both served as officers of this group, with me having served for two years as president. With recent news stories detailing the loss of honey bee colonies and the decline of many pollinators, there is currently great interest in honey bees and beekeeping. Shown here after the day’s training program are three faces familiar to the bees of Peace Bee Farm. From the left are Rita Underhill, co-owner of Peace Bee Farm, Dallas Holland, and Mary Phillips. No wonder that the Peace Bees stay so happy!


  1. Hi, I made a comment on this same page about a year ago trying to set something up to take my mother to see bees for mother's day. My name's Lila, and I'd like to try again this year. Is there anyway someone can help me do that now? I can be reached at 9016341260. Thank you :)

  2. I spoke to your mother last year. She is welcome to attend my next bee hive presentation. You have the date and location.

  3. Do you sell packages of honeybees or know anyone in the Memphis area who does? Thank you, Perry Pennington

    1. Perry, send me an email at I'll send you some suggestions for obtaining bees.
